Agenda Item 44






Accessible City Strategy


Date of Meeting:

4 August 2023


Contact Officer:


Thomas Bald




Wards Affected:

All Wards



For General release





This report was considered at the Equalities Community Safety & Human Rights Committee on 11 July 2023


Action Required of Strategy Finance & City Regeneration Committee:




That the Strategy Finance & City Regeneration Committee:


(i)           Approves the Accessible City Strategy


















Extract from ECS & HR committee minutes from the meeting held on 11 July 2023:



            Brighton & Hove City Council


Equalities, Community Safety & Human Rights Committee


4.00pm11 July 2023


Council Chamber - BTH



Present: Councillor Pumm (Chair) Winder (Deputy Chair), Goldsmith

(Opposition Spokesperson), Alexander, Czolak, Lyons, McGregor, Pickett,

Cattell and Grimshaw


Standing Invitees: Stephanie Prior, Joanna Martindale, Chas Walker,

Justin Burtenshaw.


MINUTES EXTRACT  - ITEM 9 (Accessible City Strategy 2023-2028)





9             Accessible City Strategy 2023-2028


9.1      The Chair invited Emma McDermott to introduce the report starting on page 21 of the Agenda, and moved an oral Officer Amendment to eliminate recommendation 2.1 of the report.


9.2      Councillors Goldsmith, Czolak, Grimshaw, Alexander and McGregor were informed about issues regarding figures from the 2011 Census, neurodiversity, intersectionality, equalities data standards, funding, concentration of residents with a disability around the city, and the positive benefits of accessibility.


9.3      Stephanie Prior and Joanna Martindale were informed about issues regarding collaborating with local businesses, Council PR, raising awareness, success measuring, the Council complaints and compliments system, and co-production.




That committee recommends the Accessible City Strategy for approval to the Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee.